I fired off the following question to Intel Tech Support:

Is Intel going to release an open source Linux driver for the Intel PRO/wireless 2100 LAN Mini-PCI Adapter, or provide technical specifications for the device to the Linux community?

This is the boilerplate response I received:

Thank you for contacting Intel(R) Technical Support.

Please note that Linux is supported only through ACPI enabled versions through processor.o library delivered by Intel to the major Linux distributions. A control applet is not provided.

Please check the following site for Operating system support requirements:


Please note that not all the Centrino(TM) components are compatible with Linux.

I sent an email to Intel spokesman Scott McLaughlin, but he was unable to comment further:

I assume you have read the [c net](http://news.com.com/2100-1006-993896.html) or IDG.net articles on Linux support for Centrino, which is why you have contacted me. The articles contain the extent of our comment at this time.