We just pushed out another doubleTwist release. It fixes the following issues:

  • Fixed the exception that was occurring if you had http entries in your iTunes library (e.g. streaming radio)
  • doubleTwist now displays properly if you are running Windows at 120dpi
  • Allows + sign in e-mail addresses

You should be getting a notification in the application that there is an update available. If you don’t want to wait for the notification, right click on the doubleTwist tray bar icon and select “Check for update”.

To report bugs, please use our contact form or send them directly to me if you’d prefer that.

Issues that are still not fixed include:

  • iTunes is not detected if your iTunes library is in a non-standard location.
  • If you are behind a corporate proxy server, the installer and/or login to doubleTwist may fail.